11/6/00//33rd entry, im gonna bloat from here to antarctica...
beats !!

god. i am so damn sexay. guess what i just did? i took pictures of me in my undies and bra. like 10 of them. and i look DAMN good. i'm gonna send em to chris...he's such a lucky guy ima sexy bitch yo.

maybe i'll post some here. so you can see just how sexay i am. you'd like that wouldn't you?

note to viewer: i promise you i'm not conceited. i'm just self confident. heh.

wow. i havn't really been talking here lately. i've just kind of...babbled. so lets get down to some real business, eh?

we started a rap group in school. it's 6th period on mondays. although most people did rap because it gets you out of gym, i actually did it for a reason. in 6th grade myself and like 6 other people from my class were in a rap group. we were all friends, but not that incredibally close. after that group we were however. we all talked about the most personal things, and no one ever told. we helped eachother so much. not to mention that the group leader, who's name i forget now, was the most amazing woman i have ever met. she was simply incredible. the kids in our group became so close to AmazingRapLady, infact, that we even called her on our own time. i only wish i had kept in touch with her. that group was so amazing that the assistant leader, nick, who is a full time leader for one of the groups now, remembered me. and i havn't seen him in two years. he came up to me today and said "I'm so glad you're doing a rap group again Alissa. it's a pleasure to talk to you". that was a boost of self confidence.

so yeah, i'm mad excited for this thing. i know it's not gonna be the same, because the groups are co-ed this year, and of course it's dorky to cry in front of eachother, but i still think it will kick going to gym on monday's ass. a definate worthwhile experience.

tootsie rolls are so yummy. i got like 49875398579348 of them for halloween...and they are just so durn good! i think people should have tootsie rolls every day. i certainly have been for the past week.

we'll ignore the fact that i'm going to be bloated from here to antarctica next week. hmmmm.....


oh. my. god. i read the entry bluekitten wrote. the entry she wrote about her daddy. i cry when i think about my daddy dying. i cry when i think about dying and my daddy within 5 minutes of eachother. i cry at the thought of even being away from my daddy for more than, oh, a month. sometimes i even get sad at school because i'm away from my daddy.

bluekitten's daddy is dead.

bluekitten is 18. she goes to school just like me. she has to deal with problems like peer pressure and drugs and alcohol just like me. and now she has to plan a funeral.

for her daddy.

i'm so sorry bluekitten. you don't know how much pain i feel for you. i would never say i FEEL YOUR PAIN, because i don't know how it feels to have my daddy dead. but i feel pain FOR you. my condolences to you and your family. i'm crying for you right now. i will prey for you tonight. if there's anything i can do to help, please let me know. god bless. and R.I.P DaddyBluekitten.