8/20/01//star mockery
beats !!

hi, kids! my name is ludacris, that's l to the u to the d to the a to the cris, and i just wanted to say that in my new song "area codes" i do nothing but rhyme different numbers, because my song writers couldn't come up with anything better! that's right, they're stumped after only ONE HIT! bye kids!

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yo wut up, my name is brad and i'm from the band LFO, and with my new haircut i look like a 40 year old biker turned ghetto! now i gotta bizounce on my motor bizike, peace!

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hi, i'm ali's head and i'm throbbing like a bitch because ali just fell asleep on the kitchen table, so i'm going to stop coming up with ways to mock celebrities and go now!

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UniDeNtiFiEd TyPiNg AsShOLE, please stop leaving me rude and unwanted messages in my message box. thanks!!!