7/27/01//fake nails make typing a bitch.
beats !!

hee, i have the craziest fake nails on right now, looky here:

aren't they so cool? they're blue with sparkles and stars, if you can't tell, and the one on my ring finger has a little clear capsule with silver sparkles around it, and inside it are little jewels that are loose, so they move when you move your hand!! is that not the awesomest thing you've ever seen? and they're good quality too, i even slept with them on last night and they stayed on. they're kinda hard to type with, but whatever, i'll manage. it's toootally worth it!

so um yeah, i made another diary, which i will not reveal the identity of. this diary (, where you are residing right now) is becoming more fun and less serious by the minute, and i still need a place where i can vent. plus, some people from my school read this, and there are some things i want to write in here that i just don't want them knowing, so i don't write it. anyway what it comes down to is this. if you want the address to the new secretive diary, either email me or IM me by clicking that link that says discuss at the closing of the entry and ask for it. either i will say sure thing! and tell it to you, trusting that you will not tell ANYONE, or i will say no sorry, our friendship or knowledge of eachother is one where i would prefer you did not know my every thought, and i will assume you will then say okay and not keep nagging me about it, accepting the fact that no is no. please don't be offended if i say no, i write some pretty crazy shit in there, and i don't want certain people to see it, because i know they will judge me. it's not that i don't like you if i say no, it's that i would just prefer you not know certain types of things i write about in there, because i probably think you'd be weirded out or think i was crazy if you did. also, if i do say no, or if you do not ask me in the first place, please don't go on an undercover mission to find the diary. that would be just plain sick, and if i found out you did do that, it would ruin any type of bond we have or any type of respect for you that i've got. and lastly, meredith and perry, sorry guys but you can't read this one, i hope you understand and respect why. please don't search for it, and if you come across something that looks like it, please leave. i don't reveal my identity in the diary, or do much to give away that it's me, but still, go with your instincts, and if you think it's me, jet. thanks!

wow, obviously you guys can tell i'm serious about this thing, because i just wrote a novel about it. so please follow the "rules", or what have you.