12/29/00//68th entry, i seek you
beats !!

wow! i've been such a useful girl. i've done so many productive things! like take getting ICQ for example. yeah, i know, it's great! i have no contacts as of now though (*tear*) so everyone add or invite me to their lists! my # is 102913064.

and the other useful/productive thing i've done is make a blog for myself! i'll add a link when i become unlazy. it's not too likely that will ever happen, but whatever. so until i do, it can be found by clicking here.

i went to the tummy-yummy-yummy doctor yesterday. i HATE going there! i have to drive all the way into NYC, which takes over an hour, and then they push around my stomach for a while and ask me where it hurts and of course it hurts EVERYWHERE and they're really NOT HELPING. then i just go home feeling sick. but yesterday they actually told me something that might help. i'm lactose intollerent, but i still eat dairy a little a little more frequently then i should. missus doctor said that that could be totally inducing my gastritis pains, and preventing me from getting better, so they gave me a completely lactose free diet to start saturday. the good thing is, not only will this make my tummy-yummy-yummy feel better, but it will help me lose weight as well, because most things with lactose are desserts! so i'm like woo! my mom says its like hitting two birds with one stone. i think that simile is a bit gruesome, but it still says it.

i dunno if any of you have seen the commercial for the new Beatles 1 cd, but i got it for hannukah-chanukah, and i've been listening to it non stop since wednesday. it has the BEST beatles songs ever, and the beatles are the BEST band ever, so put together it has the best songs ever PERIOD. go here to see what songs are on the album. if you're gonna buy a cd, buy that one.

my stepsister and stepbrother just made me beat a part of yoshi story for them. heh. they're so cute.