11/20/00//42nd entry, P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S:
beats !!

i DO have a life, i promise! you know why? because i have something to write about today! yay for actually doing things and not being a loser!

so myself, riki and ebony went to see "the grinch who stole christmas" on saturday. the movie was not, however, our topic of discussion that night. the gorgeous guy we saw AT the movie was.

oh. my. god. you have not seen hot until you've seen this guy. he was absolutely perfect in every way. i shall now take up half a page to describe his beauty.

his hair was blonde, and looked like it was gelled up, but you couldnt see the gel, so it looked like it was king of up naturally. and the color blonde of his hair was so rich, so perfect...but it wasn't dyed. i can tell when hair is dyed.

his skin was so amazing...perfectly toned, fair but not like vampire fair. absolutely gorgeous.

when he stood up and took his coat off, you could see his muscular pecs through his cute abercrombie shirt. his six pack did not fail to make itself known, either. he was in such good shape! and he was tall, but not like sky high oh my god freak tall. maybe like 6 foot. but perfectly proportioned.

and did i mention blue eyes? yep, that too.

so we spent the whole movie marveling at his beauty. when it was over, we went to the bathroom and walked outside, where he was standing with his friends. we heard his voice. it was deep and smooth, the kind that you could listen to for hours. and we found out by stealthily watching him for a minute or so that he was so sweet. a couple of gorgeous girls walked up to him, and he proceeded to hug them and kiss them on the cheek as a hello. every girls dream. this guy was perfect. absolutely ORGASMIC.

oh, and the movie was good too. hehe.

today ali was thoroughly embarressed. for two reasons. and i shall tell you them both.

reason one, picture this: i'm sitting in the library at the break of ninth period, repeatedly saying "where is mr. harkins?" (mr. harkins being my gorgeous computers teacher). i am getting quite impatient, so i go up to alex and sarcasticly say "WHERE is mr. harkins, alex?". alex then says "oh you mean the mr. harkins you have a huge crush on? THAT mr. harkins?". ehem. yes alex, i did mean that mr. harkins. and guess what? just as you decided to broadcast my love for GorgeousSexyTeacher, guess who makes up his mind to show up? none other than GorgeousSexyTeacher himself. i turn around, pretending as if nothing has happened, and greet him. he just smiles, cracking up, and greets me as well. he then walks away to tend to the class. i give alex the eye and go sit down with the rest of the class, preparing to get my fake-enthusiasm on so i seem like a good student. mr. harkins just smiled at me for the rest of the day. i, in turn, remained red to the cheeks.

reason two, listen to this: chris, my californian lover, told me last night that he went to a party on saturday where he managed to aquire three blowjobs. chris is a very sexy man, and i know he gets a lot of action, so i beleive him. i proceed to tell yoni about this, and yoni does not beleive me, calling chris i liar. i come home and tell chris about yoni's accusation. chris then informs me that he was joking, and that he didn't really get head three times. "but you knew that right?" "oh of course i did. i just wanted to mess with yoni's head a little". yeah, and argue with him for about two hours because chris "was NOT lying" and he "really did get head 3 times". but i knew all the time, really i did. just like the way chris beleived me when i SAID i knew all the time.

so, today has been quite an embarresment.

not to mention that while i was browsing diaries in computers, the annoying fag jeff who sits next to me was looking over my shoulder, and fortunately didnt get the address of my diary, but unfortunately is now himself a member of diaryland. when i remember his name ill tell you. i think its ElMonkey or something. ugh.

today = bad day for ali.

except for my new pants. they rock ass. yep yep.


P.S: if you fit the description of the guy i talked about in the first few paragraphs, and were at the 8:30 pm showing of the grinch on saturday night at new roc city, email me. i want you badly.

P.P.S: i am an official loser. i made 2 more layouts for my diary. but because i am so addicted to this i think i should start a layout service. so if you, frankly, suck shit at html and want some help, gimmy a hollar and i'll see what i can do.

P.P.P.S: i never sign my name on my entries. the only reason i did today was because i had mad post scripts that i needed to add. what a dork i am.