4/15/01//welcome to loserville population one, ME!
beats !!

this is for the new diaryring i am creating! it's the loser diaryring! for all us losers out there. here is the description that i put in the little description box thing:

if you are a loser, then this ring is for you! being a loser is not a bad thing. everyone is a loser somewhere inside, they just wont admit the fact, as if it was *bad* or something! so don't be afraid, embrace your inner loser, join the ring!

yeah! my diaryring rocks! in the dictionary, loser is defined as this:

loser (loozer) n. 1. One who loses or seems fated to lose. 2. One who accepts defeat in a given way: a good loser. 3. One who has been sent to prison more than once: a two time loser.

so i guess that definition doesn't go very well with what i had in mind. here will be my definition of loser:

loser (loozer) n. 1. One who is unpopular or is considered 'uncool' by his/her fellow peers. 2. One who commonly says or does very 'uncool' or even dumb/airheady/stupid things. (Also see: geek, nerd, dork.)

see thats a little better! now here's loser in multiple languages.

french: perdant
spanish: perdedor
german: verlierer
italian: perdente
portugese: loser

yeah so i think you get the basic idea. anyway, join the ring, it's cool! really!